Source Code Size
Below is an analysis of the size of Tux Paint's source code. It was generated in 8/2021 using David A. Wheeler's SLOCCount tool.
SLOC | Directory | SLOC by Language |
28308 | src_top_dir | ansic=27660,objc=303,sh=225,cpp=120 |
12073 | magic | ansic=11755,php=318 |
2141 | osk | ansic=2141 |
169 | src_po | sh=169 |
77 | macos | sh=77 |
61 | top_dir | sh=47,ansic=14 |
55 | fonts | python=44,sh=11 |
31 | docs | python=31 |
10 | win32 | ansic=10 |
8 | maemo | sh=8 |
4 | hildon | sh=4 |
Totals grouped by language:
ansic | 41580 | (96.84%) |
sh | 541 | (1.26%) |
php | 318 | (0.74%) |
objc | 303 | (0.71%) |
cpp | 120 | (0.28%) |
python | 75 | (0.17%) |
Total Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) | = 42,937 |
Development Effort Estimate, Person-Years (Person-Months) (Basic COCOMO model, Person-Months = 2.4 * (KSLOC**1.05)) | = 10.36 (124.36) |
Schedule Estimate, Years (Months) (Basic COCOMO model, Months = 2.5 * (person-months**0.38)) | = 1.30 (15.63) |
Estimated Average Number of Developers (Effort/Schedule) | = 7.96 |
Total Estimated Cost to Develop (average salary = USD$56,286/year, overhead = 2.40). | = USD$1,399,958 |
Download Survey Form Feedback
The links below show statistical information and charts based on the collected feedback from the optional survey form on the Download page. From it, you can get an idea of who downloads Tux Paint (parents vs. teachers), what countries they're from, etc.
- Survey statistics: September 2003 through November 2008
The first major analysis of survey data, generated from over 62,000 submissions.
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