
October 2002
Security Is an Attitude
By David A. Bandel
Tux Paint

My kids love to play with the computers in the house. At four years old,
both my daughters were logging in, playing games, even surfing the Web
have some great
kids games). But they love to be creative and that means painting programs.
When I want to see how good a program of this type is, I show my kids and let
them go at it. If they're asking for it the next time they log in, I've got
a winner. Requires: libSDL, libpthread, libSDL_image, libSDL_ttf,
libSDL_mixer, libm, libesd (optional), libdl, libartsc, libX11, libXext,
libjpeg, libpng, libz, libtiff, libfreetype, libvorbisfile, libvorbis,
libogg, libsmpeg, glibc.
David A. Bandel is a Linux/UNIX consultant currently living in the Republic of Panama. He is coauthor of Que Special Edition: Using Caldera OpenLinux.
From the October 2002 issue.
Did you know? Tux Paint is named after Tux the penguin, the mascot of the Linux operating system. "Tux" is short for tuxedo.