Mercadeo de Tux Paint
You can order various merchandise sporting the Tux Paint logo at New Breed Software's CafePress shop and the Tux Paint Redbubble shop.
Un pequeño porcentaje de cada compra, es destinado al desarrollador principal y director del proyecto de Tux Paint, Bill Kendrick.
Ropa para Niños
Ropa de Caballero
Prendas de Vestir para Damas
Stickers, Magnets, and More
- "Artista Tux Paint" Botones
- "Artista Tux Paint" Pequeños Botones
- "Artista Tux Paint" Imánes
- "Tux Paint Artist on Board" Bumper Sticker
- Tux Paint iPhone Case
- Bored Tux Paint Tux Sticker
- Tux Paint Tux Sticker
- Tux Paint Tux Facepalm Sticker
- Tux Paint Blank Canvas Sticker
- Tux Paint Magic Wand Cursor Sticker
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