Copyright © 2007-2024 by various contributors; see AUTHORS.txt.
septiembre 17, 2024
Table of Contents |
Beginning with version 0.9.18, Tux Paint's 'Magic' tools were converted from routines that lived within the application itself, to a set of 'plugins' that are loaded when Tux Paint starts up.
This division allows more rapid development of 'Magic' tools, and allows programmers to create and test new tools without needing to integrate them within the main Tux Paint source code. (Users of more professional graphics tools, such as GIMP, should be familiar with this plugin concept.)
Tux Paint is written in the C programming language, and uses the Simple DirectMedia Layer library ('libSDL', or simply 'SDL'; available from Therefore, for the moment at least, one must understand the C language and how to compile C-based programs. Familiarity with the SDL API is highly recommended, but some basic SDL concepts will be covered in this document.
Those who create 'Magic' tool plugins for Tux Paint must provide some interfaces (C functions) that Tux Paint may invoke.
Tux Paint utilizes SDL's "SDL_LoadObject()" and "SDL_LoadFunction()" routines to load plugins (shared objects files; e.g., ".so
" files on Linux or ".dll
" files on Windows) and find the functions within.
In turn, Tux Paint provides a number of helper functions that the plugin may (or sometimes is required to) use. This is exposed as a C structure (or "struct
") which contains pointers to functions and other data inside Tux Paint. A pointer to this structure gets passed along to the plugin's functions as an argument when Tux Paint invokes them.
Plugins should #include
the C header file "tp_magic_api.h
", which exposes the 'Magic' tool plugin API. Also, when you run the C compiler to build a plugin, you should use the command-line tool "tp-magic-config
" to get the appropriate compiler flags (such as where the compiler can find the Tux Paint plugin header file, as well as SDL's header files) for building a plugin. (See "Compiling", below.)
The C header file and command-line tool mentioned above are included with Tux Paint — or in some cases, as part of a "Tux Paint 'Magic' Tool Plugin Development package".
'Magic' tool plugins must contain the functions listed below. Note: To avoid 'namespace' collisions, each function's name must start with the shared object's filename (e.g., "" or "blur.dll" would have functions whose names begin with "blur_
"). This includes private functions (ones not used by Tux Paint directly), unless you declare those as 'static
Here is a description of arguments that many of your plugin's functions will need to accept.
magic_api * api
Pointer to a C structure containing pointers to Tux Paint functions and other data that the plugin can (and sometimes should) use. The contents of this struct are described below.
Note: The magic_api
struct is defined in the C header file "tp_magic_api.h
", which you should include at the top of your plugin's C source file:
#include "tp_magic_api.h"
int which
SDL_Surface * snapshot
" and write to "canvas
", below.) SDL_Surface * canvas
SDL_Rect * update_rect
update_rect->x = x - 16;
update_rect->y = y - 16;
update_rect->w = 32;
update_rect->h = 32;
Or, if your effect changes the entire canvas (e.g., flips it upside-down), you'd fill it as follows:
update_rect->x = 0;
update_rect->y = 0;
update_rect->w = canvas->w;
update_rect->h = canvas->h;
Note: "update_rect
" is a C pointer (an "SDL_Rect *
" rather than just an "SDL_Rect
") because you need to fill in its contents. Since it is a pointer, you access its elements via "->
" (arrow) rather than ".
" (dot). Your plugin is required to contain, at the least, all of the following functions.
Note: Remember, your plugin's function names must be preceded by your plugin's filename. That is, if your plugin is called "
" (on Linux) or "zoom.dll
" (on Windows), then the names of your functions must begin with "zoom_
" (e.g., "zoom_get_name(...)
Uint32 api_version(void)
The plugin should return an integer value representing the version of the Tux Paint 'Magic' tool plugin API the plugin was built against. The safest thing to do is return the value of TP_MAGIC_API_VERSION
, which is defined in "tp_magic_api.h
". If Tux Paint deems your plugin to be compatible, it will go ahead and use it.
Note: Called once by Tux Paint, at startup. It is called first.
int init(magic_api * api, Uint8 disabled_features, Uint8 complexity_level)
The plugin should do any initialization here. Return '1' if initialization was successful, or '0' if not (and Tux Paint will not present any 'Magic' tools from the plugin).
Note: Called once by Tux Paint, at startup. It is called after "api_version()
", if Tux Paint believes your plugin to be compatible.
The disabled_features
value contains bits set for any Tux Paint features relevant to Magic tools which have been disabled in this session. Test using the C bitwise 'and' operator, '&
'. The features are defined in tp_magic_api.h
: Magic tool controls (paint vs fullscreen) (--nomagiccontrols
: Magic tool size (--nomagicsizes
The complexity_level
variable contains the "complexity level" that Tux Paint magic tools may offer — that is, the expertise level of the user. The levels are defined in tp_magic_api.h
(0): Novice (--complexity=novice
(1): Beginner (--complexity=beginner
(2): Advanced (default) (--complexity=advanced
) Note: Changed most recently in Tux Paint 0.9.32; Magic API version 0x00000009.
int get_tool_count(magic_api * api)
This should return the number of Magic tools this plugin provides to Tux Paint.
Note: Called once by Tux Paint, at startup. It is called after your "init()
", if it succeeded.
Note: You may wish to resond differently, based on whether certain features have been disabled (e.g., 'paint' versus 'entire picture' controls, or 'Magic sizes' controls).
int modes(magic_api * api, int which)
This lets you tell Tux Paint what modes your tool can be used in; either as a tool the user can paint with, or a tool that affects the entire drawing at once.
You must return a value that's some combination of one or more of available modes:
- freehand paint (click and drag) MODE_FULLSCREEN
- applies to full image with one click MODE_PAINT_WITH_PREVIEW
- freehand paint, with preview (click and drag) MODE_ONECLICK
- applies to an area around the mouse, with one click MODE_PAINT
". If the user can do both, return "MODE_PAINT | MODE_FULLSCREEN
" to tell Tux Paint it can do both.
Note: Called once for each Magic tool your plugin claims to contain (by your "get_tool_count()
Note: Added to Tux Paint 0.9.21; Magic API version 0x00000002.
char * get_name(magic_api * api, int which)
This should return a string containing the name of a magic tool. This will appear on the button in the 'Magic' selector within Tux Paint.
Tux Paint will free()
the string upon exit, so you should wrap it in a C strdup()
Note: Called once for each Magic tool your plugin claims to contain (by your "get_tool_count()
int get_group(magic_api * api, int which)
Use this to group tools together within sections of the 'Magic' selector. A number of groups are pre-defined within an enum
found in "tp_magic_api.h
— Tools that distort the shape of the image, like Blur, Emboss, and Ripples MAGIC_TYPE_COLOR_FILTERS
— Tools that mostly affect the colors of the image without distortion, like Darken, Negative, and Tint MAGIC_TYPE_PICTURE_WARPS
— Tools that warp or move the entire picture, like Shift, Flip, and Waves MAGIC_TYPE_PAINTING
— Tools that generally paint new content at the cursor position, like Grass, Bricks, and Rails MAGIC_TYPE_PATTERN_PAINTING
— Tools that paint in multiple places at once, like Kaleidoscope and the Symmetry tools MAGIC_TYPE_PICTURE_DECORATIONS
— Tools that apply decorations to the entire picture, like Blinds and Checkboard MAGIC_TYPE_ARTISTIC
— Special-purpose artistic tools, like Flower, the String tools, and the Rainbow-arc-drawing tools.
Note: Called once for each Magic tool your plugin claims to contain (by your "get_tool_count()
Note: Added to Tux Paint 0.9.27; Magic API version 0x00000005.
SDL_Surface * get_icon(magic_api * api, int which)
This should return an SDL_Surface containing the icon representing the tool. (A greyscale image with alpha, no larger than 40x40.) This will appear on the button in the 'Magic' selector within Tux Paint.
Tux Paint will free ("SDL_FreeSurface()
") the surface upon exit.
Note: Called once for each Magic tool your plugin claims to contain (by your "get_tool_count()
char * get_description(magic_api * api, int which, int mode)
This should return a string containing the description of how to use a particular magic tool. This will appear as a help tip, explained by Tux the Penguin, within Tux Paint.
Tux Paint will free()
the string upon exit, so you should wrap it in a C strdup()
Note: For each Magic tool your plugin claims to contain (reported by your "get_tool_count()
" function), this function will be called for each mode the tool claims to support (reported by your "modes()
" function).
In other words, if your plugin contains two tools, one which works in paint mode only, and the other that works in both paint mode and full-image mode, your plugin's "get_description()
" will be called three times.
int requires_colors(magic_api * api, int which)
Return a '1' if the 'Magic' tool accepts colors (the 'Colors' palette in Tux Paint will be available), or '0' if not.
Note: Called once for each Magic tool your plugin claims to contain (by your "get_tool_count()
Uint8 accepted_sizes(magic_api * api, int which, int mode)
Return how many size variations the 'Magic' tool accepts, in the given mode (i.e., 'MODE_PAINT
). Return a '0' if the 'Magic' tool should not offer sizing options. Returning '1' is the same as returning '0'.
Note: For each Magic tool your plugin claims to contain (reported by your "get_tool_count()
" function), this function will be called for each mode the tool claims to support (reported by your "modes()
" function).
Note: Added to Tux Paint 0.9.30; Magic API version 0x00000008.
Uint8 default_size(magic_api * api, int which, int mode)
Return the default size the 'Magic' tool should start out with, in the given mode. This will be the default setting for the tool the first time it is used during a Tux Paint session. If Tux Paint is being invoked with the sizing option disabled, this will be the only size requested by Tux Paint. Return a number between '1' and the amount you returned in accepted_sizes()
Note: For each Magic tool your plugin claims to contain (reported by your "get_tool_count()
" function), this function will be called for each mode the tool claims to support (reported by your "modes()
" function).
Note: Added to Tux Paint 0.9.30; Magic API version 0x00000008.
void shutdown(magic_api * api)
The plugin should do any cleanup here. If you allocated any memory or used SDL_Mixer to load any sounds during init()
, for example, you should free()
the allocated memory and Mix_FreeChunk()
the sounds here.
Note: This function is called once, when Tux Paint exits.
void switchin(magic_api * api, int which, int mode, SDL_Surface * snapshot, SDL_Surface * canvas)
void switchout(magic_api * api, int which, int mode, SDL_Surface * snapshot, SDL_Surface * canvas)
is called whenever one of the plugin's Magic tools becomes active, and switchout()
is called whenever one becomes inactive. This can be because the user just clicked a specific Magic tool (the current one is switched-out, and a new one is switched-in).
It can also happen when user leaves/returns from the selection of "Magic" tools when doing some other activity (i.e., using a different tool, such as "Text" or "Brush", activating a momentary tool, such as "Undo" and "Redo", or returning from a dialog — possibly with a new picture when it switches back — such as "Open", "New" or "Quit"). In this case, the same Magic tool is first 'switched-out', and then 'switched-back-in', usually moments later.
Finally, it can also happen when the user changes the 'mode' of a tool (i.e., from paint mode to full-image mode). First switchout()
is called for the old mode, then switchin()
is called for the new mode.
These functions allow users to interact in complicated was with Magic tools (for example, a tool that lets the user draw multiple freehand strokes, and then uses that as input such as handwriting — normally, the user could click somewhere in the canvas to tell the Magic tool they are 'finished', but if they switch to another tool, the Magic tool may want to undo any temporary changes to the canvas).
These functions could also be used to streamline certain effects; a behind-the-scenes copy of the entire canvas could be altered in some way when the user first switches to the canvas, and then pieces of that copy could be drawn on the canvas when they draw with the Magic tool.
Note: Added to Tux Paint 0.9.21; Magic API version 0x00000002.
void set_color(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * last, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, SDL_Rect * update_rect)
Tux Paint will call this function to inform the plugin of the RGB values of the currently-selected color in Tux Paint's 'Colors' palette. (It will be called whenever one of the plugin's Magic tools that accept colors becomes active, and whenever the user picks a new color while such a tool is currently active.)
Generally, Magic tools will not alter the canvas in any way when receiving an updated color, but it is possible. (For example, the "Zoom" and "Perspective" tools apply effects which uses the current color choice as a solid background. The effects may be adjusted with subsequent click/drag operations, but you may also adjust the background color, without altering the zoom level or perspective, by simply picking a new color.)
Note: Changed most recently in Tux Paint 0.9.29; Magic API version 0x00000007.
void set_size(magic_api * api, int which, int mode, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * last, Uint8 size, SDL_Rect * update_rect)
Tux Paint will call this function to inform the plugin of the 'Magic' tool size option chosen. (It will be called whenever one of the plugin's Magic tools that accept sizes becomes active, and whenever the user picks a new size while such a tool is currently active.)
Generally, Magic tools will not alter the canvas in any way when receiving an updated size, but it is possible.
Note: Added to Tux Paint 0.9.30; Magic API version 0x00000008.
void click(magic_api * api, int which, int mode, SDL_Surface * snapshot, SDL_Surface * canvas, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect)
The plugin should apply the appropriate 'Magic' tool on the 'canvas
' surface. The (x,y) coordinates are where the mouse was (within the canvas) when the mouse button was clicked, and you are told which 'mode' your tool is in (i.e., 'MODE_PAINT
The plugin should report back what part of the canvas was affected, by filling in the (x,y) and (w,h) elements of 'update_rect
The contents of the drawing canvas immediately prior to the mouse button click is stored within the 'snapshot
' canvas.
void drag(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * snapshot, SDL_Surface * canvas, int ox, int oy, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect)
The plugin should apply the appropriate 'Magic' tool on the 'canvas
' surface. The (ox,oy) and (x,y) coordinates are the location of the mouse at the beginning and end of the stroke.
Typically, plugins that let the user "draw" effects onto the canvas utilize Tux Paint's "line()
" 'Magic' tool plugin helper function to calculate the points of the line between (ox,oy) and (x,y), and call another function within the plugin to apply the effect at each point. (See "Tux Paint Functions and Data," below).
The plugin should report back what part of the canvas was affected, by filling in the (x,y) and (w,h) elements of 'update_rect
Note: The contents of the drawing canvas immediately prior to the mouse button click remains as it was (when the plugin's "click()
" function was called), and is still available in the 'snapshot
' canvas.
void release(magic_api * api, int which, SDL_Surface * snapshot, SDL_Surface * canvas, int x, int y, SDL_Rect * update_rect)
The plugin should apply the appropriate 'Magic' tool on the 'canvas
' surface. The (x,y) coordinates are where the mouse was (within the canvas) when the mouse button was released.
The plugin should report back what part of the canvas was affected, by filling in the (x,y) and (w,h) elements of 'update_rect'.
Note: The contents of the drawing canvas immediately prior to the mouse button click remains as it was (when the plugin's "click()
" function was called), and is still available in the 'snapshot' canvas.
Tux Paint provides a number of helper functions that plugins may access via the "magic_api
" structure, sent to all of the plugin's functions. (See "Required Plugin Functions," above.)
Uint32 getpixel(SDL_Surface * surf, int x, int y)
void putpixel(SDL_Surface * surf, int x, int y, Uint32 pixel)
Uint32 xorpixel(SDL_Surface * surf, int x, int y)
SDL_Surface * scale(SDL_Surface * surf, int w, int h, int keep_aspect)
This accepts an existing SDL surface and creates a new one scaled to an arbitrary size. (The original surface remains untouched.)
The "keep_aspect
" flag can be set to '1' to force the new surface to stay the same shape (aspect ratio) as the original, meaning it may not be the same width and height you requested. (Check the "->w
" and "->h
" elements of the output "SDL_Surface *" to determine the actual size.)
int in_circle(int x, int y, int radius)
void line(void * api, int which, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int step, FUNC callback)
This function calculates all points on a line between the coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). Every 'step' iterations, it calls the 'callback' function.
It sends the 'callback' function the (x,y) coordinates on the line, Tux Paint's "magic_api
" struct (as a "void *
" pointer which you need to send to it), a 'which' value, represening which of the plugin's 'Magic' tool is being used, and the current and snapshot canvases.
Example prototype of a callback function that may be sent to Tux Paint's "line()
" 'Magic' tool plugin helper function:
void exampleCallBack(void * ptr_to_api, int which_tool, SDL_Surface * canvas, SDL_Surface * snapshot, int x, int y);
Example use of the "line()
" helper (e.g., within a plugin's draw()
api->line((void *) api, which, canvas, snapshot, ox, oy, x, y, 1, exampleCallBack);
Uint8 touched(int x, int y)
This function allows you to avoid re-processing the same pixels multiple times when the user drags the mouse across an area of the canvas, thus increasing Tux Paint's response time, especially with math-heavy effects.
If your effect's "click()
", "drag()
" and/or "release()
" functions take the contents of the source surface ("snapshot
") and always create the same results in the desintation surface ("canvas
"), you should wrap the effect in a call to "api->touched()
This function simply returns whether or not it had already been called for the same (x,y) coordinates, since the user first clicked the mouse. In other words, the first time you call it for a particular (x,y) coordinate, it returns '0'. Future calls will return '1' until the user releases the mouse button.
Note: Magic effects that continuously affect the destination surface ("canvas
") (ignoring the "snapshot
surface) have no reason to use this function. The "Blur" and "Smudge" tools that ship with Tux Paint are examples of such effects.
char * tp_version
int canvas_w
int canvas_h
) and height (canvas_h
) of the drawing canvas (in pixels). int button_down(void)
char * data_directory
This string contains the directory where Tux Paint's data files are stored. For example, on Linux, this may be "/usr/share/tuxpaint/
Magic tools should include an icon (see "get_icon()
", above) and are encouraged to include sound effects, it's useful for plugins to know where such things are located.
When compiling and installing a plugin, the "tp-magic-config
" command-line tool should be used to determine where such data should be placed for the installed version of Tux Paint to find them. (See "Installing," below.)
Note: If your plugin is installed locally (e.g., in your "~/.tuxpaint/plugins/
" directory), rather than globally (system-wide), the "data_directory
" value will be different. (e.g., "/home/username/.tuxpaint/plugins/data/
void playsound(Mix_Chunk * snd, int pan, int dist)
This function plays a sound (one loaded by the SDL helper library "SDL_mixer"). It uses SDL_mixer's "Mix_SetPanning()
" to set the volume of the sound on the left and right speakers, based on the 'pan
' and 'dist
' values sent to it.
A 'pan
' of 128 causes the sound to be played at equal volume on the left and right speakers. A 'pan
' of 0 causes it to be played completely on the left, and 255 completely on the right.
The 'dist
' value affects overall volume. 255 is loudest, and 0 is silent.
The 'pan
' and 'dist
' values can be used to simulate location and distance of the 'Magic' tool effect.
void stopsound(void)
. It is useful to silence effects when the user stops using the tool (in your 'release
' function). int playingsound(void)
Call this function to determine whether a magic tool sound effect is still currently playing. Can be used by magic tools that pause and unpause their sounds (see below) to determine whether it's time to start a new sound — call playsound()
instead of unpausesound()
. A '1' is returned if a sound is playing; '0' otherwise.
Note: Added to Tux Paint 0.9.34; Magic API version 0x0000000B.
void pausesound(void)
Pauses the magic tool sound effect; it may be unpaused to resume playing. Useful when a magic tool sound is very long; avoid repeatedly playing just a short clip of the beginning when the user draws small strokes by starting (playsound()
) and stopping (stopsound()
) the sound. Use playingsound()
to determine whether you can unpause or must play from the start.
Note: Added to Tux Paint 0.9.34; Magic API version 0x0000000B.
void unpausesound(void)
Resumes a paused magic tool sound effect, if one was playing.
Note: Added to Tux Paint 0.9.34; Magic API version 0x0000000B.
void update_progress_bar(void)
void special_notify(int flag)
" can be 'or'ed together (using C's boolean 'or': "|
") and sent to this function. SPECIAL_FLIP
The contents of the canvas has been flipped vertically.
If a 'Starter' image was used as the basis of this image, it should be flipped too, and a record of the flip should be stored as part of Tux Paint's undo buffer stack. Additionally, the fact that the starter has been flipped (or unflipped) should be recorded on disk when the current drawing is saved.
, but for magic tools that mirror the contents of the canvas horizontally. void retract_undo(void)
Each time the user clicks in the canvas while using your Magic tool, a new snapshot of the canvas is added to the "Undo" history. This allows the user to click "Undo" to return the image to the state it was in just before they clicked with your Magic tool. They may click "Redo" to bring the change back.
However, some more sophisticated Magic tools require one or more steps to take place before the final "effect" is reached. For example, "Filled Polygon" requires placing at least three connected points, then connecting the first and last point together, to create a shape that gets added to the canvas. In the meantime, an interactive preview of the shape — an outline with large dots representing each point — is drawn onto the canvas. (The points may be moved, or even removed, prior to finishing the shape.)
The retract_undo()
API function may be used by a Magic tool to tell it to discard the "Undo" snapshot it just took, as a way to prevent previews shown during multi-step actions from appearing on the canvas when using the "Undo" and "Redo" commands.
💡 This is an advanced feature.
Note: Added to Tux Paint 0.9.33; Magic API version 0x0000000A.
float sRGB_to_linear(Uint8 srbg)
uint8 linear_to_sRGB(float linear)
void rgbtohsv(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, float * h, float * s, float * v)
void hsvtorgb(float h, float s, float v, Uint8 * r, Uint8 * g, Uint8 * b)
For more information, refer to the sRGB article at Wikipedia and the HSV Color Space article at Wikipedia.
Along with the "magic_api
" C structure containing functions and data described above, the tp_magic_api.h
C header file also contains some helper macros that you may use.
min(x, y)
max(x, y)
) or maxinum (max
) of 'x' and 'y'. For example, min()
will return the value of 'x' if it is less than or equal to 'y', otherwise it will return 'y'. clamp(lo, value, hi)
A value, clamped to be no smaller than 'lo', and no higher than 'hi'. (That is, if 'value' is less than 'lo', then 'lo' will be used; if 'value' is greater than 'hi', then 'hi' will be used; otherwise, 'value' will be used.)
Example: red = clamp(0, n, 255);
will set the variable 'red' to be the value of the variable 'n', but without allowing it to become less than 0 or greater than 255.
Note: This macro is simply a #define
of: "(min(max(value,lo),hi))
The following is a summary of constant values that are set (via "#define
") within the 'Magic' tool API header file.
This integer value represents which version of the Tux Paint 'Magic' tool API the header corresponds to.
It should be referenced by your magic tool's "api_version()
" function, to inform the running copy of Tux Paint whether or not your plugin is compatible.
Note: This version number does not correspond to Tux Paint's own release number (e.g., "0.9.34"). The API will not change every time a new version of Tux Paint is released, which means plugins compiled for earlier versions of Tux Paint will often run under newer versions.
" helper function. They are described above.
Use the C compiler's "-shared
" command-line option to generate a shared object file (".so
") based on your 'Magic' tool plugin's C source code.
Use the "tp-magic-config --cflags
" command, supplied as part of Tux Paint — or in some cases, as part of a "Tux Paint 'Magic' Tool Plugin Development package" — to provide additional command-line flags to your C compiler that will help it build your plugin.
As a stand-alone command, using the GNU C Compiler and BASH shell, for example:
$ gcc -shared -fpic `tp-magic-config --cflags` my_plugin.c -o
Note: The characters around the "tp-magic-config
" command are a grave/backtick/backquote ("`
"), and not an apostrophe/single-quote ("'
"). They tell the shell to execute the command within (in this case, "tp-magic-config ...
"), and use its output as an argument to the command being executed (in this case, "gcc ...
A snippet from a Makefile to compile a Tux Paint "Magic" tool plugin might look like this:
CFLAGS=-Wall -O2 $(shell tp-magic-config --cflags) my_plugin.c
gcc -shared $(CFLAGS) -o my_plugin.c
The first line sets up Makefile variable ("CFLAGS
") that contains flags for the compiler. "-Wall
" asks for all compiler warnings to be shown. "-O2
" asks for level 2 optimization. "($shell tp-magic-config --cflags)
" runs "tp-magic-config
" to retrieve additional compiler flags that "Magic" tool plugins require. (The "$(shell ...)
" directive is similar to the ` ("grave") character in the BASH shell examples, above.)
The next line defines a Makefile target, "
", and states that it depends on the C source file "my_plugin.c
". (Any time the C file changes, "make
" will know to recompile it and produce an updated ".so
" file. If the C file hadn't changed, it won't bother recompiling.)
The last line defines the command "make
" should run when it determines that it needs to (re)compile the ".so
" file. Here, we're using "gcc
", with "-shared
and "$(CFLAGS)
" command-line arguments, like above. "-o
" tells the C compiler that the output file should be "
". The last argument is the C file to compile, in this case "my_plugin.c
Note: Commands listed below a Makefile target should be intented using a single tab character.
An even more generalized Makefile might look like this:
CFLAGS=-Wall -O2 $(shell tp-magic-config --cflags) my_plugin_1.c
$(CC) -shared $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< my_plugin_2.c
$(CC) -shared $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
As before, there are lines that define the command "make
" should run when it determines that it needs to (re)compile the ".so
" file(s). However, more general terms are used...
" gets expanded to your default C compiler (e.g., "gcc
"). "-shared
" and "$(CFLAGS)
" are command-line arguments to the compiler, like above. "-o $@
" tells the C compiler what the output file should be; "make
" replaces "$@
" with the name of the target, in this case "
" or "
". And finally, the last argument is the C file to compile; "make
" replaces "$<
" with the target's dependency, in this case "my_plugin_1.c
" or "my_plugin_2.c
Use the "tp-magic-config
" command-line tool, supplied as part of Tux Paint — or in some cases, as part of a "Tux Paint 'Magic' Tool Plugin Development package" — to determine where your plugins' files should go.
Use "tp-magic-config --pluginprefix
" to determine where the plugin shared object (".so
") files should be installed. The value returned by this command will be the global location where the installed copy of Tux Paint looks for plugins (e.g., "/usr/lib/tuxpaint/plugins
Alternatively, you may use "tp-magic-config --localpluginprefix
" to find out where Tux Paint expects to find local plugins for the current user (e.g., "/home/username/.tuxpaint/plugins
As stand-alone commands, using the BASH shell, for example:
# cp `tp-magic-config --pluginprefix`
# chmod 644 `tp-magic-config --pluginprefix`/
Note: See the note above regarding the "`" (grave) character.
Use the "tp-magic-config --plugindocprefix
" command to determine where documentation for your "Magic" tools should go. The value returned by this command will be the location where the documentation to the installed copy of Tux Paint is stored. The main documentation includes a link to a folder where "Magic" tools' documentation is expected to be installed
Note: It's best to include both HTML and plain-text versions of your documentation. An "html
" subdirectory exists within the "magic-docs
" directory, and is where the HTML versions should go.
As stand-alone commands, using the BASH shell, for example:
# cp my_plugin.html `tp-magic-config --plugindocprefix`/html
# cp my_plugin.txt `tp-magic-config --plugindocprefix`
Note: See the note above regarding the "`" (grave) character.
Note: Currently, there is no "--localplugindocprefix
" option.
Use the "tp-magic-config --dataprefix
" command, supplied as part of Tux Paint, to determine where data files (PNG icon, Ogg Vorbis sound effects, etc.) should be installed. The value returned by this command will be the same as the value of the "data_directory
" string stored within the "magic_api
" structure that your plugin's functions receive (e.g., "/usr/share/tuxpaint/
For locally-installed plugins (for the current user only), use "tp-magic-config --localdataprefix
". It will return the value of "data_directory
" string that locally-installed plugins will see within their "magic_api
" structure (e.g., "/home/username/.tuxpaint/plugins/data/
Note: Tux Paint's default Magic tool plugins install their data within "magic
" subdirectories of Tux Paint's "images
" and "sounds
" data directories (e.g., "/usr/share/tuxpaint/images/magic/
"). You are encouraged to do the same.
As stand-alone commands, using the BASH shell, for example:
# cp my_plugin_icon.png `tp-magic-config --dataprefix`/images/magic/
# chmod 644 `tp-magic-config --dataprefix`/images/magic/my_plugin_icon.png
Note: See the note above regarding the "`" (grave) character.
A snippet from a more generalized Makefile might look like this:
PLUGINPREFIX=$(shell tp-magic-config --pluginprefix)
PLUGINDOCPREFIX=$(shell tp-magic-config --plugindocprefix)
DATAPREFIX=$(shell tp-magic-config --dataprefix)
# Install plugin
mkdir -p $(PLUGINPREFIX)
cp *.so $(PLUGINPREFIX)/
chmod 644 $(PLUGINPREFIX)/*.so
# Install icons
mkdir -p $(DATAPREFIX)/images/magic
cp icons/*.png $(DATAPREFIX)/images/magic/
chmod 644 $(DATAPREFIX)/images/magic/*.png
# Install sound effects
mkdir -p $(DATAPREFIX)/sounds/magic
cp sounds/*.ogg $(DATAPREFIX)/sounds/magic/
chmod 644 $(DATAPREFIX)/sounds/magic/*.ogg
# Install docs
mkdir -p $(PLUGINDOCPREFIX)/html
cp docs/*.html $(PLUGINDOCPREFIX)/html/
cp docs/*.txt $(PLUGINDOCPREFIX)/
chmod 644 $(PLUGINDOCPREFIX)/html/*.html
chmod 644 $(PLUGINDOCPREFIX)/*.txt
The first three lines set up Makefile variables that contain the paths returned by the "tp-magic-config
" command-line tool. (The "$(shell ...)
" directive is similar to the ` ("grave") character in the BASH shell examples, above.)
Below that is an "install
" target in the Makefile. (Invoked by, for example, "$ sudo make install
" or "# make install
The "install
" target uses "mkdir -p
" to make sure that the plugin directory exists, then uses "cp
" to copy all plugin (".so
") files into it, and invokes "chmod
" to make sure they are readable.
It then does a similar series of commands to install icon files (".png
" images) and sound effects (".ogg
" files) into subdirectories within Tux Paint's data directory, and to install documentation (".html
" and ".txt
" files) within Tux Paint's documentation directory.
Note: The above Makefile example assumes the user will have priveleges to install Tux Paint plugins system-wide.
Plugins for Tux Paint may contain more than one effect. If you have multiple effects that are similar, it may make sense to place them in one plugin file, to reduce overhead and share code.
These following suggestions can help you create plugins that contain multiple effects:
" to enumerate the effects, and count them.
enum {
" when "get_tool_count()
" is called, and compare "which
" values sent to other functions with the other enumerated values. NUM_TOOLS
" length to contain effect-specific data.
char * my_plugin_snd_filenames[NUM_TOOLS] = {
"one.ogg", "another.ogg", "yet_another.ogg" };
Mix_Chunk * my_plugin_snds[NUM_TOOLS]");
"-loop to load or create the effect-specific data (such as loading sound effects during your "init()
int i;
char fname[1024];
for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOOLS; i++)
/* Becomes, for example, "/usr/share/tuxpaint/sounds/magic/one.ogg" */
snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s/sounds/magic/%s",
api->data_prefix, my_plugin_snd_filenames[i]);
my_plugin_snds[i] = Mix_LoadWAV(fname);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOOLS; i++)
" values sent to your functions as an index into those arrays (e.g., for playing the appropriate sound effect for a tool).
Note: Even if your plugin currently contains only one effect, it may be useful to follow the steps above so that you can add a new variation of an effect with little effort. ("NUM_TOOLS
" will simply be '1', your arrays will be of length '1', etc.)
The C source file "tp_magic_example.c
" contains a complete example of a plugin with multiple simple effects.
For more information, check the Tux Paint website:, and the Simple DirectMedia Layer library website:
Additionally, other Tux Paint developers and users can be found on the "tuxpaint-devel
" and "tuxpaint-users
" mailing lists:
". A symbol in C that acts as a bitwise "and" operator. Only bits set in both values will be returned. For example, "11 & 6
" compares the binary values '1011' to '0110'. Only the bit in the 2's place is set, so the result is 2
('0010'). &
". A symbol in C that allows you to refer to the memory address of a variable; that is, a pointer. (For example, consider "int i;
". Later, "&i
" refers to the memory where "i
" is stored, not the value of "i
" itself; it is a 'pointer to "i
"'.) ->
". A symbol in C that references an element within a pointer to a struct. enum { ONE, TWO, THREE };
" rgbtohsv()
" and "hsvtorgb()
".) SDL_Rect
" contains four integer values, the coordinates of the rectangle (X,Y), and its dimensions (width and height). #define
#define RADIUS 16
"; all instances of "RADIUS
" will be replaced with "16
"), but can also be used to create macros. Typically placed within C header files. dimensions
". A symbol in C that references an element within a struct. w
" and "h
" elements of SDL_Surface store the surface's width and height, respectively.) enum
element (a pointer to an SDL_PixelFormat
structure) that contains information about a surface; for example, the number of bits used to represent each pixel).SDL_PixelFormat(3)
" man page. free()
" man page. gcc
" man page. `
" character; used by the BASH shell to use the output of a command as the command-line arguments to another. .h
/ header / header fileIMG_Load()
SDL_Surface *
". #include
#define ADD(A,B) ((A)+(B))
", and then used it with "c = ADD(1,2);
", that line of code would literally expand to "c = ((1) + (2));
", or more simply, "c = 1 + 2;
". magic_api
Mix_Chunk *
Mix_Chunk *
"). Mix_LoadWAV()
Mix_Chunk *
". .ogg
" man page. SDL_FreeSurface()
SDL_Surface *
"). SDL_GetRGB()
pixel value (e.g., one returned from the Tux Paint's Magic tool API helper function "getpixel()
"), the format of the surface the pixel was taken from, and pointers to three Uint8
variables, will place the Red, Green and Blue (RGB) values of the pixel into the three Uint8
variables. (Example: "SDL_GetRGB(getpixel(surf, x, y), surf->format, &r, &g, &b);
" man page. SDL_image
SDL_Surface *
". SDL_MapRGB()
values representing Red, Green and Blue values for a pixel, returns a Uint32
pixel value that can be placed in the surface (e.g., using Tux Paint's Magic tool API helper function "putpixel()
"). (Example: "putpixel(surf, x, y, SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, r, g, b));
" man page. SDL_mixer
" man page. SDL_Surface *
" man page. snprintf()
char str[20];
" has been declared; "snprintf(str, 20, "Name: %s, Age: %d", "Bill", 32);
" will store "Name: Bill, Age: 32" into 'str
" man page. .so
". A symbol in C that, when used in the declaration of variables (e.g., arguments to a function), denotes that the variable is a pointer. (For example, "int * p;
" means that "p
" is a pointer to an integer.) When used next to a pointer, it 'dereferences' the variable. (For example, later "*p = 50;
" assigns the value of 50 to the memory that "p
" points to; it does not change the value of "p
", which is still a pointer to an integer. In essence, it changed the integer that's being pointed to.) strdup()
char *
" pointer to the new copy.strdup(3)
" man page. struct
" man page. tp_magic_api.h
' it. Uint32
int age
;". It can be examined later — e.g., "if (age >= 18) { /* they are an adult */ } else { /* they are not an adult */ }
" — as well as modified later — e.g., age = 32; /* set age to 32 */