ZSC - Zaurus Star Castle A port of XSC By Mark B. Hanson http://www.panix.com/~mbh/projects.html Copyright (c) 1993-2001 Ported to SDL, and also scaled down for the Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 PDA By Bill Kendrick ftp://ftp.sonic.net/pub/users/nbs/unix/zaurus/zsc/ 2002.Apr.22 - 2002.Apr.27 About ----- XSC is a clone of a classic vector-graphics arcade game, "Star Castle." ZSC is a conversion of that from X-Window to SDL, the addition of sound effects, and compile-time options for displaying on a small screen (240x320 16bpp) like that of the Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 Linux-based PDA. xsc-1.4.1 --------- This directory contains XSC version 1.4 with changes (SDL and embedded code) added to it. It also contains a "data/" subdirectory with sound effects... Makefile -------- Makefile included in the "xsc-1.4.1/" directory (a copy of "Makefile-FOR-ZSC", in case "Makefile" gets removed) was simply created by running "./configure" on a Debian Linux 80x86 box. It was modified to include 3 more targets. These should be incorporated into the 'automake/autoconf' setup (e.g., "./configure") for XSC. I don't know these tools, though. Help is appreciated! The new targets are: sdl - Build more-or-less the original game, but using SDL instead of X-Window for graphics, and also include sound effects. It's currently forced to an unresizable 640x480 window, however. emtest - Build using SDL, with 'embedded' options turned on. (In otherwords, display with a different aspect ration and shape, within a 240x320 window.) Builds for the host system. Meant for testing the embedded version. Assumes data files (sounds) are in "./data/". embedded - Build using SDL, with 'embedded' options turned on, and build for the ARM architecture. (Lineo Embedix compiler toolchain is assumed to be available.) Assumes data files (sounds) are in "/opt/QtPalmtop/share/xsc/". Statically links against "libSDL.a" and "libSDL_mixer.a" for ARM. (Graciously provided by David Hedbor.) mkipk.sh -------- This shell script simply creates a "tmp/" directory, tries to build the "embedded" target within the "xsc-1.4.1" subdirectory, and throws the resulting binary ("xsc", renamed to "zsc"), a wrapper shell script ("zsc.sh"), a desktop file ("zsc.desktop"), the colorful icon ("zsc.png"), and the sound files together and creates an ".ipk" package file for iPaqs running Linux and the Sharp Zaurus. (Requires "ipkg-build" tool.) Controls -------- Left/Right rotate Up thrusts Selector (space) shoots Cancel (escape) quits Ok (enter) starts a new game if you die To-Do ----- * Replace floating point math with fixed point (Zaurus has no FPU) for better speed. * Integrate Makefile changes into the "./configure" script (autoconf/automake) stuff... * Integrate code changes (SDL ("#define USE_SDL") and embedded ("#define EMBEDDED")) and sound effects into Mark's main XSC codebase, rather than being this weird branch. * Squash any bugs. -bill! bill@newbreedsoftware.com http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/