README.txt for "Vectoroids" (Based on "Agendaroids") by Bill Kendrick November 30, 2001 - January 3, 2002 Version 1.0.7 About: ------ "Vectoroids" is a vector-based rock-shooting game similar to the arcade classic "Asteroids." It is an SDL game based on the source for "Agendaroids," an X-Window game written for the Agenda VR3 Linux-based PDA written by the same author. (This game is being entered into the "SDL Game Under 1 Megabyte" contest held by No Starch Press / Loki Entertainment Software in late 2001.) Installation Procedure: ----------------------- Requirements: ------------- "Vectoroids" uses the Simple DirectMedia Layer multimedia library (aka "libSDL"), as well as two helper libraries: "SDL_image" and, optionally (for music and sound) "SDL_mixer". All three of these are available from the official SDL website: Compilation: ------------ To compile the game from its source, simply invoke the command "make": $ make If you wish to build the game with no sound support (ie, SDL_mixer is not available, or you don't have a sound card), you can build the 'nosound' target: $ make nosound If you wish to build the game with no joystick support (ie, you're using a very old version of libSDL, which doesn't support joysticks), you can add the setting "JOY=NO" to the 'make' command. For example: $ make JOY=NO If you wish to have Vectoroids and/or it's data files (sound, music and graphics) installed somewhere other than the default location of "/usr/local/bin/" and "/usr/local/share/vectoroids/", you can override the "PREFIX" and/or "DATA_PREFIX" values used by the Makefile. For example: $ make PREFIX=/home/username/ ...will cause the "vectoroids" program to be copied into the directory '/home/username/bin/', the data files copied into the directory '/home/username/share/vectoroids/', and the man pages copied into '/home/username/man/man6/'. Or: $ make PREFIX=/usr DATA_PREFIX=/opt/games/vectoroids-data/ ...will cause the program to be copied into '/usr/bin/', the data files into '/opt/games/vectoroids-data/', etc. (You can also edit the Makefile manually, if you wish.) Installation: ------------- Once compiled, you must now install the program. You do this by running 'make' with an "install" target. If you're copying the files to a directory you can't write into (eg, normal users should not be able to write into "/usr/local/bin/"), you will need to temporarily switch to the 'superuser' (aka "root"). $ su Password: [enter the root password] # make install # exit Clean Up: --------- If, for some reason, you wish to keep the unarchived "vectoroids/" directory around, but want to delete the compiled object and program files, you can run: make clean Running Vectoroids: ------------------- Once installed (assuming the directory in which the "vectoroids" program file was copied is listed somewhere in your shell's "$PATH" environment variable; it should be), simply call the program: $ vectoroids & [the "&" is optional, and just puts the game's process in the 'background,' so that your terminal remains available for more commands] Available command-line options: Info Options: ------------- --help Displays a brief help message explaining the game -h and its controls, and then quits. --usage Displays the available command-line options, and -u then quits. --version Displays the version of the program which is being -v run, and then quits. --copying Displays copyright information, and then quits. -c Settings: --------- --fullscreen If possible, the game will run in fullscreen mode, -f rather than in a window. --nosound Disables sound and music. -q Title Screen: ------------- The title screen displays the title and credits. The high score is displayed at the top of the screen. If a game has been played since loading Vectoroids, the last score is displayed just below. (If it is the same as the high score, it will be blinking.) * To begin a game, click the word "START" with the mouse. Unless the "CONTINUE" option is available, pressing [Space] on the keyboard, or pushing any button on the joystick will also start a new game. * To continue a paused game, click "CONTINUE" with the mouse. If this option is available, pressing [Space] or pushing a joystick button will also continue the current game. * To quit, either close the game's window, or press the [Escape] key on your keyboard. (Note: Any currently-paused game will be saved, so when you run Vectoroids again later, you can continue where you left of.) The Game: --------- Game Controls: -------------- The game can be played with either the keyboard, or a joystick. (The joystick must have at least two axes (directions) and two fire buttons.) * [Left] / [Right] on the keyboard [Left] / [Right] on the joystick Rotate ship counter-clockwise and clockwise, respectively. * [Up] on the keyboard [Fire-A] on the joystick Thrusts the ship in the direction it is currently facing. * [Space] on the keyboard [Fire-B] on the joystick Fires a bullet in the direction the ship is facing. * Either [Shift] on the keyboard Re-spawns your ship after you die, even if the game thinks there are still too many asteroids near the center of the screen... Status Display: --------------- The following is displayed at the top of the screen during the game, from left to right: * Score Your current score. * Level The level of the game you are currently playing. * Lives Miniature spaceships which represent how many extra lives you have left. Also, sometimes text (for example, what level you are on when you enter a new level) appears on the center of the screen for a moment. Scoring: -------- Each rock you shoot (or crash into) gains you points. The smaller the rock, the more points you gain. Every 10,000 points, you also receive an extra ship. Levels: ------- After all rocks have been destroyed, you move on to the next level, which begins with more rocks than the previous started with... Credits: -------- Programming: ------------ Original "Agendaroids": by Bill Kendrick May 21, 2001 - October 9, 2001 (version of code-base used) SDL Port: by Bill Kendrick November 30, 2001 - December 1, 2001 Graphics: --------- Jupiter photo: Obtained by NASA's Voyager 1 probe - In the Public Domain Photo taken on February 25, 1979 Photo ID: P-2115 (Manipulated using The Gimp; ) Game Icon: Bill Kendrick Sounds: ------- Obtained from various free sound-effect archives on the web. (Some effects altered using Sox, by Chris Bagwell; ) Music: ------ "Decision" (decision.s3m) by Mike Faltiss (Hadji / Digital Music Kings) April 1995 Contact Information: -------------------- Bill Kendrick 675 Alvarado Ave., Apt. #27 Davis, Calif. 95616-0620 USA Email: Phone: 530-759-1019