Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 21:45:26 +0000 From: martin summers Subject: Re: NBS Feedback - Defendguin - tar.gz on its way To: Bill Kendrick Hello Bill, Many thanks for the swift (and enthusiastic !) response. My next message will include a attachement of the compiled version of defendguin for ethe Zaurus C760/C860. It should work on the new C3000 as well, although I don't know anyone with one to test it. The file is 2347066 bytes in size and has the following md5 check sum:- defendguin-0.0.10_zaurus_c860.tar.gz 5cc15ee49a5f31f4ca591ef2d61d4e4b To run: 1) copy the tar.gz file into a directory on the Sharp zaurus. 2) Use the commands "gunzip defenguin-0.0.10_zaurus_c860.tar.gz" then run " tar -xvf defenguin-0.0.10_zaurus_c860.tar" 3) cd into the directory defendguin-0.0.10 (cd defendguin-0.0.10) 4) Run the arm binary using the command "./defendguin" It should all start up - music and everything if you have the SDL-mixer package installed (which I do - 1.2.6-zports-0 of libSDL mixer, and libSDL itself of course.