CHANGES.txt for Bug Squish by Bill Kendrick 0.0.6 - April 20, 2002 ---------------------- * Fixed "Ugh" and "Ouch" sounds for embedded version. * Added 'Start' and 'Continue' buttons to embedded title screen. * Game pauses when you press Escape (Cancel) in embedded version. * Game state saved when you quit, loaded when you start again, so you can unpause even if you've quit the game completely! * Splatted bugs eventually vanish in embedded version. * Embedded version uses hidden file (~/.bugsquish) for high score, instead of a visible one (~/bugsquish.dat) * Embedded version uses mouse motion, not mouse button press. (Too easy to not lift stylus high enough.) 0.0.5 - April 19, 2002 ---------------------- * Created embedded version. 0.0.4 - November 12, 2001 ------------------------- * Added name of "Blood Suckers"' author to documentation (Brian Greenstone of Pangea Software). * Alpha channel in PNGs now used, so there's less white artifacting around the bugs and power-ups. * Added a new bug-type: Pill bugs. * Updated and corrected INSTALL.txt documentation. 0.0.3 - December 14, 2000 ------------------------- * Added Windows target. 0.0.2 - May 21, 2000 -------------------- * Replaced BMP images with PNG images, greatly reducing their size. Hence, Bug Squish now requires the SDL_Image library. * Now uses SDL's accellerated RLE blitting for colorkeyed images. * Stress warning added to program. * Replaced the woman's voice saying "ahh" with my own voice, which makes MUCH more sense, since it's my arm in the game and the other sounds are male, too. :) 0.0.1 - April 9, 2000 --------------------- * High score added. * Data file added (high score and high wave saved, as well as final score and wave from the last game). * You can quit the "New Breed Software Presents" intro. screen early by clicking the mouse or pressing a key. * Bug graphics changed. * Two new bug types added. * Game speed and difficulty tweaked. INITIAL RELEASE 0.0.0 - March 21, 2000 -------------------------------------- * Initial alpha release.