CHANGES.txt for cgi-util: (Changes by Bill Kendrick unless otherwise noted.) (All 2.2.1 Changes, linux arm ) 2.2.1 - 2005.Oct.10 - Wasn't malloc'ing memory when only passing query string by URL (GET method). (All 2.2.0 Changes, Gary Briggs ) 2.2.0 - 2004.May.14 - Keyword register is useless nowadays - Parse cookies once, look up in a flat array - Avoid strdup [icky memory allocation] - Avoid strtok [icky DO NOT USE in manpage] - Avoid strcasecmp [icky non-portable] - Changed Makefile, notably adding an "all" target and making compiler flags considerably more anal [portable is good, mmmkay] - Fixed incomplete line handling stuff - Buffered file dump stuff for massive speed increase - Bit of cleanup in cgi_quit - Stopped using all non-ansi stuff. 2.1.7 - 2002.Oct.18 - Fixed CONTENT_TYPE check so that HTTPS GET works. Robert Alloway 2.1.6 - 2002.Sep.26 - 'extern "C" { ... }' added to cgi-util.h, for C++ compilers. Tony Hansen - 'unsigned char' casts added to avoid gcc warnings. Tony Hansen - cgi_getnentrystr() returns NULL instead of "x" Tony Hansen 2.1.5 - 2002.Sep.26 - Fixed incorrect return value in cgi_dump_no_abort() Tony Hansen 2.1.4 - 2002.May.1 - Added 'n' functions (eg, "cgi_getnentrystr()") for handling multiple form values with the same name. Stephen Woodbridge 2.1.3 - 2001.May.15 - Missing QUERY_STRING ignored (for compatibility with "boa" and "thttp" webservers). Rather than return a "CGIERR_NULL_QUERY_STRING", it now sets the query string to an empty string (""). Ian Leonard 2.1.2 - 2000.November.1 - cgi_getcookie() function restructuring. Chris Wareham 2.1.1 - 2000.August.28 - "install" depended on "tests-cgis" instead of "test-cgis". (Typo!) Made cgi-util handle "="'s within values better. (eg. "prog.cgi?char==" or "prog.cgi?pair=123=456") Masayuki Yamaguchi 2.1.0 - 2000.July.26 - Added initial browser file upload support. (Content-Type="multipart/form-data", RFC 1867) - Fixed "README.txt" to not call functions 'programs' (I must have been asleep when I wrote it!) - Added a file-upload example CGI and form, "filetest.c" and "filetest.html". - Added global "cgi_content_type" variable. - Added a "content_type" field to the "cgi_entry_type" structure. - Added "cgi_getentrytype()" function. - Added a "content_length" field to the "cgi_entry_type" structure. - ".txt" extensions added to documentation files. - "makefile" renamed "Makefile". - Set "LIBDIR" and "INCDIR" variables in "Makefile." Tobias Jahn - Set "CC=gcc" in "Makefile," since some "cc"'s don't like the "-Wall" switch. Tobias Jahn - Added "install-h" rule to "Makefile", and had "install-o", "install-a" and "install-so" require it. (Before, only "install-o" installed the "cgi-util.h" file. Now all three do.) - "query" variable renamed to "cgi_query" (to keep from interfering with anyone else's declaration). - Boolean function accepts strings "true" and "false" now, too. Denis - cgi_getcookie() function added. Pete Cassidy - Added a copy of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL) to the package. - cgi-util.h now creates a "CGI_UTIL_H" #define. 2.0.4 - 1999.August.24 - The "unescape_url" code was too trusting. MJ Pomraning 2.0.3 - 1999.August.13 - Some debugging code was left in 2.0.2. It has been removed. Stan Osborne 2.0.2 - 1999.August.9 - If a POST-method submittion contained an "&" within one of the field's values, the value would be truncated. This should be fixed. Ruediger Geys - CGIUTILVER (defined in "cgi-util.h") now reports complete version number (2.0.2). 2.0.1 - 1999.July.12 - malloc() fix in cgi_init() Tadek Orlowski 2.0 - 1999.July.12 - Initlial re-release Bill Kendrick Mike Simons End of CHANGELOG.txt