vr-stella bill kendrick bill@newbreedsoftware.com 2001.Apr.16 This is a port of Stella, the Atari 2600 game system emulator, to the Agenda VR3 Linux-based PDA. Files: vr-stella.gz MIPS binary build of Stella's "linux-x" target (normally called "xstella"). Built with the hacked "mainX11.cxx". Cross-compiled on an i386 Linux box using mipsel-linux tools and ...the hacked "makefile". Gzipped. TPS.BIN "This Planet Sucks," a free game ROM that comes with Stella. TPS.gif A screenshot of "This Planet Sucks" running under Stella on an Agenda. mainX11.cxx Hacked X11 source. Adds "Tiny" mode (by default) and extra keyboard ...controls (PageUp/PageDown for joystick up/down; either Shift for fire). Place in Stella's "src/ui/x11/" directory. makefile Hacked "makefile" for cross-compiling "linux-x" target ...to create "vr-stella". Place in Stella's "src/build/" directory. Resources: Stella http://www4.ncsu.edu/~bwmott/www/2600/ Agenda: http://www.agendacomputing.com/