Atari 8-bit "starters" This directory contains things to get a real Atari (with a floppy disk!) working with some of the software found here, especially when using the ARC archive versions (rather than ATR disk images). mydos453.dcm -- MyDOS 4.53/4 in a DiskCommunicator disk image file (DCM). mydos453.atr -- MyDOS 4.53/4 in an ATR disk image file (used with emulators, and virtual drive devices, like SIO2PC and SDriveMax). -- SuperUnARC -- unarcs ARC files. Load this from DOS. dskcom32.arc -- DiskCommunicator 3.2. Reads a DCM file and writes the results to a floppy disk. You'll need to unARC it first (e.g., using "SuperUnARC"). tbasici.arc -- TurboBASIC XL interpreter. You'll need to unARC it first (e.g., using "SuperUnARC"). These files have been here for ages, but I finally added this README.txt in Oct. 2020. -bill!