Mjeti “Magjik” i Tux Paint-it: Syze 3D

Mjeti “Magjik” i Tux Paint-it: Syze 3D

Grup: Filtra Ngjyrash

Autor: Bill Kendrick <bill@newbreedsoftware.com>

This tool horizontally separates your entire picture's color channels, letting you create anaglyphic pictures that can be viewed with various kinds of 3D glasses. Options include: Red/Cyan, Red/Blue, Red/Green, and Magenta/Cyan — controlled by the 'size' setting — unless running with "complexity" (expertise level) set to 'Novice'.

Ky mjet përdoret si të ishte mjet vizatimi me dorë të lirë.

Ky mjet ofron rregullime të shumta madhësie.

Ky mjet reagon ndaj rregullimit “kompleksitet” (shkallë ekspertize).

Shihni edhe: Ndarje Ngjyrash & Pamje e Dyfishtë.

Tux Paint 0.9.34