Udhërrëfyes Fillimi të Shpejtë për Tux Paint 0.9.34 ### Mjete (Vizatim) ### ## 🖌Bojë ## * Zgjidhni djathtas një penel. * Some brushes are animated 🎞, some are directional ✲, some are both. * Change brush spacing with the bars 📶 at the bottom right. * Zgjidhni një ngjyrën (shihni “Ngjyra”). * Klikoni/prekeni dhe tërhiqeni nëpër kanavacë që të ngjyroset. ## ⌧Stampa ## * Change categories with the arrow buttons ⇦⇨ near the bottom right. * Zgjidhni djathtas një stampë. * Some stamps may be mirrored 🪞, and/or flipped ↕, using controls near the bottom right. * Some stamps allow you to choose their color (see "Colors"). * Change stamp size with the bars 📶 at the bottom right. * Rotation ⟳ may be enabled, if desired. * Klikoni/prekeni nëpër kanavacë që të vendoset një stampë. + If rotation is enabled, drag to rotate it, and click/tap again to add it to the drawing. * Some stamps play sound effects; press the speaker 🕪 button to hear it again. * Some stamps play descriptive sounds; press the headphones 🎧 button to hear it again. ## ⚟Vija ## * (Shihni Pikturë) * Klikomo/prekeni dhe tërhiqeni që të vizatohet një vijë. ## ⭓Forma ## * Zgjidhni djathtas një formë. * Select whether you want to extend the shape from the center ⧈, or a corner ◰, using controls at the bottom right. * Click/tap to position, and drag to set the size of the shape. * Drag to rotate it, and click/tap again to add it to the drawing. ## 🄰Tekst ## * Zgjidhni djathtas shkronja. * Select whether you want the text bold 𝗔 and/or italic 𝘈, using controls near the bottom right. * Change text size using the up 🡁 and down 🡃 arrow buttons at the bottom right. * Zgjidhni një ngjyrën (shihni “Ngjyra”). * Click/tap the canvas to position an insertion cursor. * Enter text via your keyboard or the on-screen keyboard. * Click/tap the canvas again if you wish to reposition the text. * Press [Enter]/[Return] or click/tap ⮨ to add the text to the drawing and begin entering more text one line down. * Or, press [Tab] or click/tap or ⟷ to add the text to the drawing and continue entering more text immediately to the right. * Si të përdoret tastiera në ekran: + "Cmp" can be used to compose characters, e.g. Cmp ' a results in á. + "AltGr" can be used to quickly access more characters. + Left/Right arrows switches keyboard layouts (e.g., "QWERTY" vs. "ABC") ## 🅰Etiketë ## * (Shihni Tekst) * Labels float 'above' the drawing; you cannot paint or stamp over them, apply Magic effects, etc. * Labels may be edited, repositioned, and styled after they've been added to the drawing. * Click/tap the ☝ button near the lower right to choose a label. Click/tap the label you wish to modify, then click/tap somewhere else in the canvas to reposition, or change the font/style, change color, and/or type to edit the text. * Or, use the 🖑 button near the lower right to "flatten" a label, applying it to the canvas; it may no longer be edited with the Label tool. ## 🪣Mbushje ## * Zgjidhni djathtas një mënyrë mbushjeje. * Zgjidhni një ngjyrën (shihni “Ngjyra”). * Click/tap (and drag, with Brush and Linear modes) to fill an area of the picture with a color. + E plotë - Mbush një zonë me një ngjyrë të vetme, të plotë + Brush - Paints with a solid color, without drawing outside the chosen area + Linear - Fills the area with a linear gradient (drag to choose angle and gradient) + Radial - Fills the area with a radial gradient, centered where you clicked/tapped + Shaped - Fills the area with a gradient that follows the contours of the area being filled + Eraser - Replaces an area with the background color, or Starter or Template background image ## 🪄Magjik ## * Zgjidhni djathtas një mjet magjik. * Change categories with the arrow buttons ⇦⇨ near the bottom right. * Some magic tools draw or apply effects via click/tap and drag 〰🪄, some affect the entire drawing 🖻🪄, and some offer both options; use the controls at the bottom right. * Some magic tools offer various sizes; change it with the bars 📶 at the bottom right. * Some magic tools allow you to choose their color. ## 🖓Zhbëje ## * Use to undo the most recent changes (multiple undo available). * Shortcut: [Control]+[Z] ## 🖒Ribëje ## * Use to redo the most recent undone change (multiple redo available). * Shortcut: [Control]+[R] ## ◪Gomë ## * Zgjidhni djathtas madhësinë dhe formën e gomës. * Click/tap and drag to erase parts of the picture (solid color, or starter or template image). * Shortcut: [X] and click/tap in the drawing (not always available) ### Mjete (Kontrolle) ### ## 🗏I ri ## * Choose a solid color, starter, or template image to start with. + Starters allow drawing "under" a picture (e.g., a coloring book outline), sometimes with a background layer, too. + Templates are pictures to start with (background only). + Eraser tool ◪ reveals the solid color, or starter/template background. * Click/tap "🕮⮫Open" to begin a new drawing. * Click/tap "⤺Back" to abort and return to your current drawing. * Shortcut: [Control]+[N] ## 🕮⮫Hapni ## * Choose a previously-saved drawing to open (or export or erase). * Click/tap "🕮⮫Open" to open the saved drawing and continue editing it. * Click/tap "🗏⮫Export" to save the drawing to your system's "Pictures" folder. * Click/tap "🗑Erase" to move the drawing to your system's Trash/Recycle Bin. * Click/tap "⤺Back" to abort and return to your current drawing. * Click/tap "📽Slides" to switch to slideshow mode: + Click/tap two or more of your previously-saved drawings, in the order you want them shown. Numbers will appear on them. + Choose the playback speed using the bars 📶 near the lower left. + Click/tap "⯈Play" to watch the slideshow/animation. + Or, click/tap "🎞GIF Export" to save an animated GIF of the animation to your system's "Pictures" folder. + Click/tap "⤺Back" to return to the Open dialog. * Click/tap "🖻⮫🗏Template" to turn the drawing into a new template. * Shortcut: [Control]+[O] ## 🕮⮪Ruaje ## * Klikoni/prekeni, që vizatimi juaj të ruhet. * If you've saved previously, you'll be prompted whether to overwrite the previously-saved drawing (a la "File→Save") or create a new saved drawing (a la "File→Save As...") * Shortcut: [Control]+[S] ## 🖶Shtype ## * Klikoni/prekeni që vizatimi juaj të shtypet. * Hold [Alt] or [Option] while clicking/tapping to bring up printer dialog, if available. * Shortcut: [Control]+[P] ## 🗙Mbylle ## * Klikoni/prekeni, që Tux Paint-i të mbyllet. * Shortcut: [Escape] ### Ngjyra ### * Click/tap to choose a color to use with the Paint, Lines, and Shapes tools, and Stamps and Magic tools that support colors. * Use the pipette / color picker 💉 button to choose a color from a pixel in your current drawing. + Shortcut: When colors are available, press [Control] and click/tap in your drawing, to quickly pick a color from your drawing. * Click/tap the rainbow 🌈 button to choose a arbitrary color. + Click/tap in the rainbow square to pick a color (hue and saturation). + Click/tap in the grey gradient bar to adjust brightness (value). + Click/tap the green checkbox ✓ to accept. + Click/tap "⤺Back" to abort and dismiss the palette. + You may grab the currently-chosen built-in color (if any), the color in the pipette / color picker, or the color in the color mixer, by clicking one of the colored arrow ⇫ buttons. * Click/tap the paint palette 🎨 button to create a color by mixing primary colors: red, yellow, and blue, and white (tint), grey (tone), and black (shade). + Click/tap the green checkbox ✓ to accept. + Color mixing offers its own 🖓Undo and 🖒Redo options. + Click/tap "🗑Clear" to start over with no mixed colors. + Click/tap "⤺Back" to abort and dismiss the color mixer. ### Shkurtore, teksa vizatohet: ### * [Control]+Click/tap - Quick pipette / color picker 💉 access * [X]+Click/tap - Quick eraser ◪ access * [Control]+[Z] - 🖓Undo * [Control]+[R] - 🖒Redo * [Control]+[N] - 🗏New * [Control]+[O] - 🕮⮫Open * [Control]+[S] - 🕮⮪Save * [Control]+[P] - 🖶Print * [Alt]+[S] - Toggle sound effects on/off * [Escape] - ⤺Back or 🗙Quit Përditësuar së fundi më: 25 tetor 2024